Glowforge Aura Project: Offset Text in Adobe Illustrator

I decided that I wanted to make a part two this Glowforge Aura Project: Large Sign! To see this Glowforge Aura tutorial in action, watch my YouTube video below! 😊

As a follow-up to my previous video where I demonstrated how to create a "merry" sign, I thought, “Why not complete this Christmas sign!” So in this video, I walk you through the entire process step by step, from design to cut!


Starting in Adobe Illustrator, I hopped on my desktop to design the file. It's always important to create an appropriately sized design for your Glowforge Aura, which has a 12x12-inch bed. I used Illustrator to design and create what I like to call the "bubble text." This technique gives a nice 3D, offset effect to letters.


Once the design was complete, it was time to upload the SVG file to the Glowforge app and start the cutting! I simp;y layered maroon acrylic on top of maple plywood, which gave a really pretty end result!

Large Christmas Sign with Glowforge Aura
Acrylic and Wood Layered Sign Glowforge

➡️ Want these settings all in one place? Download my BEGINNER’S GUIDE & ENGRAVE SETTINGS SHEET below! ✨

Remember, these settings are starting points. Depending on the specific characteristics of your material and the desired outcome, you may need to fine-tune the settings slightly. Try engraving on a scrap piece or small portion of the same material to ensure the desired effect before moving on to your final project!

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    3 Cake Topper Ideas with the Glowforge Aura


    Glowforge Aura Project: Large Sign